Thank You for a Great First Day for THE GIRL ON THE MIDWAY STAGE!

You guys are a fantastic bunch. Seriously. I have never had a book debut in the top 10 of an Amazon subcategory before, and that’s exactly what THE GIRL ON THE MIDWAY STAGE did yesterday, thanks to all of you!

Do you know what happens when a book hits #7 in that subcategory? It has the privilege of sitting between to Ken Follett and James Michener. Yeah, I thought that was really cool, too!Screen_7Bookshelf Do you have a friend who might be interested in the Dora’s adventures with the Egyptian belly dancers at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair? Please let them know the book will be available for 99 cents for another day.

Here’s the universal link that will take them to the Amazon store in their region:

Thanks again, everybody. It was a fantastic day!

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