Getting Back to Work

Woman_working_on_an_airplane_motor_at_North_American_Aviation,_Inc.,_plant_in_Calif (1)The Christmas decorations are put away, school’s about to start, and that means one thing: It’s time to get back to work . . . and I couldn’t be happier!

November and December were exciting, between publishing my first indie novella (SHIMMY FOR ME) and taking part in my first group promotion (Books on the Vine’s 12 DAYS OF 99c EBOOK CHEER), but my fingers have been itching to get back to the keyboard to finish DANCE WITH ME, the first full-length novel in the new California Belly Dance romance series.

I have quite a few other goals in mind, too (going vegan [-ish], developing some new jewelry designs, and improving the O.C Writers writing group and the online writers mag, to name a few), and I know I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew. So I’ve developed an accountability plan. Actually, it’s more like an accountability widget and you can see it right here:



[rprogress value=45 text=”45%” color=”#ff0000″]


My plan is to update the progress bar on the blog’s sidebar every week and to record measurable progress each week, or… well, the penalties have yet to be worked out, but just knowing I’m falling behind is usually enough to light a fire under me.

It’ll also give those of you who have (so wonderfully!) emailed to find out when DANCE WITH ME will be available a chance to see exactly where the book stands, too. And if you see my progress lagging, I give you permission to nag, especially if you see me playing around too much on social media. In fact, that’s another one of my new year’s goals: STAY AWAY FROM FACEBOOK! Not cold turkey, of course, but no more losing hours skimming the news feed, no matter how tempting it is…..

So, that’s my plan for the new year. What about you? Do you have a goal for 2015 and a plan for accomplishing it? I’d love to hear about it!

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