It’s almost here… It’s almost here… IT’S ALMOST HERE!
Come Saturday morning, the Cameron crew and I will be heading out to Gaslight Gathering, a steampunk and neo-Victoriana convention, at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego, for another weekend full of turn-of-the-last-century goodness.
This will be our fifth year in attendance, and I think it might just be the best one yet because my favorite steampunk author, Gail Carriger, will be in attendance. Will I be able to keep it together when we’re on the author panels together? I honestly don’t know. There’s a seriously good chance I’ll melt into a sticky pile of fan-girl goop the minute she walks into the room. We’ll have to see…

If you’re planning to attend the event and want to check out the panels, here are the details:
SATURDAY 1-2PM – Zombies, Vampires, and Ghosts – What Are Your Favorite Monsters? – a panel that explores different monsters and paranormal creatures who have appeared in steampunk books. Which ones work best? Which are your favorite? Which didn’t work so well in both literature and the cinema! – Gail Carriger, David Lee Summers and DeAnna Cameron – Garden Salon One
SUNDAY Noon-1PM – Taking the Horror Out of Monsters – Not all monsters are monstrous. Some monsters are darn near lovable. Share who are your favorite monsters and why you like them better than certain people. – Gail Carriger, David Lee Summers and DeAnna Cameron – Garden Salon One
And if you stop by the FLOATING FLEA MARKET (10AM-Noon in the Le Chanticleer Room), I’ll be giving away some free stuff to celebrate my Victorian girls (THE GIRL ON THE MIDWAY STAGE and THE GIRL ON THE VAUDEVILLE STAGE).