[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]ISBN-13: 978-0425245590

Berkley Books
Trade paperback | released A
pril 2012[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]




Kobo link for The Belly Dancer Itunes The Belly Dancer Link




A chance for love…

A chance for fame…

New York City in 1907 is a kingdom of endless possibilities for anyone who dares to dream. The Gilded Age has ended, and immigrants fill the bustling streets. The glamour of Broadway lures those who desire the limelight—but only a few are fortunate enough to thrive in the lights of a city that casts long, dark, and merciless shadows…

Pepper MacClair and her mother arrived penniless in New York thirteen years ago, and their fortune has not changed. A dancer of fluid grace and motion, Pepper is still only one chorus girl among dozens, struggling for an opportunity to prove herself worthy of something bigger.

For now, Pepper dances at The Chance, a rundown venue long past its prime. It is not only Pepper’s workplace, where she has pushed her physical endurance to its limit, but also her home. And as the larger world changes around her and she is pulled into the intrigues of New York’s elite, it is her last hope, not only to fulfill her dream, but to fulfill her heart.

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Dancing at The Chance, by DeAnna Cameron


CRW Mainstream FinalistCRW 2013 Award of Excellence finalist

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Reviews & Quotes

“This story is as much a love song to the world of early 20th century New York and its legendary theaters as it is about Pepper’s journey. I loved all the eccentric, multi-faceted characters who filled the theater.”-THE ROMANCE REVIEWS

“[A] most entertaining read about a great era in Broadway history.”-HISTORICAL NOVELS REVIEW

“Dancing at The Chance is a sweet, romantic tale of destiny, love, purpose and dreams “-LUXURY READING blog

“Gripping. … [T]ouching and heartfelt. … The brilliant cast of characters, the exciting story line, and the historical setting all made for one heck of a show.”-UNTOUCHABLE TREASURE, 4.5-star review

“[B]eautifully recreates the atmosphere of turn-of-the-century New York Vaudeville, with deft prose, energetic characters and plenty of colorful images that present readers with a lush portrait of a down-on-its-luck theater. … [A] realistic, engaging tale that uplifts and educates with cameos by Mr. Ziegfeld, famous performers and the city itself.”-RT BOOK REVIEWS, 4-star

“[T]ransports readers to a lush and decadent time brimming with romance and elegance. … [Brings the beautiful world of the turn-of-the-century vaudeville stage to life.”-DIARY OF A BOOK ADDICT

“I was entranced with Pepper’s story. … I definitely recommend this novel.” -THE OWL BOOKMARK BLOG, 4-star review

Old New York comes to vibrant life in this dazzling tale of follies and illusions. DANCING AT THE CHANCE serves up a racy, exuberant feast for the senses, with a lively and intrepid heroine determined to succeed in a fading world threatened by fast-paced, fickle modernity.

DANCING AT THE CHANCE took me back to Old New York, when vaudeville still enchanted audiences and Ziegfeld was king. In her second novel, DeAnna Cameron brings the world of 1900’s theatre to vibrant life. Part circus, part Shakespeare, part Arabian nights, the Chance Theatre is a place I would love to visit again.

In turn-of-the century New York, the Chance Theatre, once a crowning glory of vaudeville has become a dull grey shadow of its former self. Following the retirement of its original owner, the motley troupe of vaudevillians struggle to keep its doors open under poor stage direction and worse fiscal management while its audience is lured away by the glamorous Ziegfeld Follies and the newfangled flicker pictures. In DANCING AT THE CHANCE, author DeAnna Cameron resurrects this vaguely familiar and bygone theatre world with life, breath, personality and passion.
-Emery Lee, author of FORTUNE’S SON and HIGHEST STAKES

In DANCING AT THE CHANCE, DeAnna Cameron breathes new life into the dusty corners of a New York vaudeville theater tottering on its last legs. A wonderfully nostalgic look at the rough and tumble world of a group of down-on-their-luck vaudevillians, filled with backstage gossip and quirky characters,a delightful heroine, with cameo appearances by Florenz Ziegfeld and early filmmaker Edwin S. Porter, that will delight readers looking for something a little off the beaten path.
-Elizabeth Kerri Mahon, author of SCANDALOUS WOMEN

From the first page, DANCING AT THE CHANCE pulled me into the exotic, exciting world of the Chance vaudeville theater-a world of dancing dolls, dashing dachshunds, and a deadly dull lecturer who clears the theater for the next show. This delightful and fast-moving tale gives readers a behind-the-scenes peek at the passionate dedication of vaudeville performers and the thrill-and terror-of live performance. For dancer Pepper MacClair, the Chance vaudeville theater is more than a workplace. It’s her true home, and the other performers are her family. It’s a heart-warming story with fresh characters in a fresh setting. A lively coming-of-age tale of a girl who lives to dance at a time when vaudeville is dying. Anyone who has ever dreamed of being a star will thrill to join determined Pepper MacClair as she strives to succeed, and readers will experience all the romance and excitement of live theater. I loved Pepper’s enthusiasm. She throws herself with gusto at love, at dancing, and at making the Chance vaudeville theater the best it can be.
-Shauna Roberts, author of the historical novel LIKE MAYFLIES IN A STREAM

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Foreign Translations

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